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Tainted Elf Episode 3 (ver. 2)
Minah’s body ached, and she felt a chill ebbing through her. She opened her eyes and found herself staring at a smooth ceiling. It hurt to lift her head, so she only turned it slightly …
Tainted Elf Episode 2 (ver. 2)
People screamed. They scattered like fish after a fisherman shot a harpoon into the river. Somebody ran into Minah as they hurried off like an injured animal, yelling, “Help! Help! Somebody help us!” Harin pressed …
Tainted Elf Episode 1 (ver. 2)
As the top school of the city, the curriculum of Nacheon Academy consisted of both academic subjects like math, history, and literature, and also magic and combat training meant to ready students for life in …
Tainted Elf Episode 3 (ver. 1)
Minah’s heart leaped into her throat. He couldn’t be… No, Jaeyun’s my friend. Besides, the only place you can see a vampire in Nacheon City is in a movie, right? But she couldn’t deny the …
Tainted Elf Episode 2 (ver. 1)
People screamed. They scattered like fish after a fisherman shot a harpoon into the river. Somebody bumped into Minah as they hurried off, yelling, “Help! Help!” Harin pressed close against Subin and grabbed her hand. …
Tainted Elf Episode 1 (ver. 1)
As the top school of the city, the curriculum of Nacheon Academy consisted of both academic subjects like math, history, and literature, but also magic and combat training meant to ready students for life in …
Pages 4-14 of Vampire WIP
Minah, Jaeyun, Subin, and Harin headed out of the school building together. Minah said, “I completely forgot about the culture fair! I could cook something to sell.” “I don’t feel like doing anything,” Subin said. …
Pages 1-3 of Vampire WIP
Propping up her chin with her hand, Minah gazed out from her classroom window overlooking the school’s training grounds. The gifted students of her class stalked through a maze. In pairs, they sought objectives placed …
My Plans for April 2022
April is coming up faster than I expected. My schedule has been busy thanks to my PhD program, but I’m still trying to find time to write regularly. My goal is to write and publish …